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Dr. Mamiko Odegard Teaches Us How to Have More Love in our Lives This Valentine’s Day


Act on love this Valentine’s Day by learning how to give yourself the love you deserve. Dr. Mamiko Odegard knows the secrets to creating love in all areas of life and will share them this Valentine’s Day. With 30 years of professional experience and an astounding 40 years of successful marriage under her belt, Dr. Mamiko is an expert at teaching people how to connect with their loved ones and, most importantly, their own self.

Dr. Mamiko offers a variety of services to help bring love back into everyone’s lives. Through her one-on-one training, VIP retreats, and public speaking, Dr. Mamiko’s work is rooted in bringing intimacy, acceptance, strength, and communication into every relationship.

Get your certificate in lovethology and learn the #1 secret to getting the love you deserve. Although most people think of romantic relationships upon seeing the word “relationship” or “intimacy”, the true secret to healthy relationship start within each individual. Dr. Mamiko’s You3 program focuses on the three main essentials to any relationship: the relationship people have with themselves, the relationship people have with others, and the relationship people have with their partner. For although a “relationship” is defined as the connection between two people, Dr. Mamiko teaches that the only way to truly Act on Love is by realizing your own self worth.

Only through loving one’s self can people truly achieve intimacy. After re-discovering how to appreciate one’s own self-worth, Dr. Mamiko will uncover the mystery on how to achieve true intimacy with your partner and instruct people on how to be treated like the king or queen that they truly are.

Meet Dr Mamiko at the Love Your Self Retreat this Valentines’ Day at the Durga Ranch Estate in Cave Creek, AZ. For more information see www.cloudninehealth.com or visit ww.ACTOnLove.com.



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