The Happy Drugs Manufactured by the Brain


Authors: Chris Corbin and Madeline Miller

The brain generates seven neurochemicals linked to happiness. These are essential for high-satisfaction living. The Digital Age has ushered in reliance on technology for every aspect of life. It comes as no surprise that screen attachment affects our bodies on the molecular level. The balance of neurochemicals is disrupted; making us more prone to anxiety, depression, and general discontent. 

The production of each neurochemical can be naturally enhanced by making simple lifestyle changes to improve brain function, making life a bed of roses. The seven “Neurochemicals of Happiness” are as follows: Endocannabinoid, Dopamine, Oxytocin, Endorphin, GABA, Serotonin, and Adrenaline. 

Endocannabinoid “Bliss Molecule”

This molecule is responsible for states of bliss. Our perception and consciousness can be altered in various ways, including the feeling of a “runner’s high”. The endocannabinoid system is stimulated by increasing the intake of Omega-3 fatty acids, lowering alcohol consumption, and exercising regularly. 

Dopamine “The Reward Molecule”

The action of carrying out pleasurable or rewarding activities increases dopamine transmission in the brain. The neurochemical is tied to pleasure-seeking and reward-driven behaviors. Dopamine levels are enhanced when individuals set and achieve their goals.  

Oxytocin “The Bonding Molecule”

The hormone is linked to human bonding. A physical human connection should be prioritized for affection and intimacy, as a lack thereof decreases oxytocin levels. Modern living has led to a general deficiency of face-to-face interaction, due to the favorable ease of technological communication. Immersing oneself in group settings is ideal to improve oxytocin levels.

Endorphin “The Pain-Killing Molecule”

The molecule is produced during arduous physical exertion and sexual intercourse. Endorphins are released in higher concentrations during anaerobic cardio and strength training. The lack of pain felt during strenuous activity is due in part to the release of this neurochemical. Acupuncture is also proven to stimulate endorphin production. Exercise and acupuncture in tandem is a powerful method to increase endorphin levels. 

GABA “Anti-Anxiety Molecule”

GABA slows down neuron firing, thus creating a state of calmness. The release of the inhibitory molecule is enhanced through the regular practice of yoga and meditation. A study by the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found a 27% increase in GABA levels in individuals after hour-long yoga sessions, 

Adrenaline (Epinephrine) “Energy Molecule”

The release of adrenaline increases the blood flow, heart rate, and blood pressure. This generates a burst of energy and simultaneously reduces boredom.  Adrenaline levels are boosted by going beyond the comfort zone. Activities should make one feel good with well-rounded benefits to give the body balance. 

The stimulation of the “happy” neurochemicals in the body is the favored natural method for attaining a better mental state and quality of life. These simple alterations to your daily routine can do wonders for your mind, body, and soul. There is, however; another option. Nootropics have risen in popularity because they’re backed by scientific research and require minimal lifestyle changes. 

What are Nootropics?

Natural nootropics are compounds and supplements intended to enhance individuals’ cognitive performance. Intake increases blood circulation, oxygen levels, nutrients, and energy in the brain. Nootropics boost the brain’s activity by stimulating the neurons and altering the concentration of existing transmitters. Since neuron function depends on the continuous supply of oxygen and nutrients, thus the effects of Nootropics have major benefits. 

Nootropics Overview

The main benefits associated with Nootropics include the enhancement of the following: memory, creativity, motivation, and attention. The mind’s learning abilities are expanded and provides users with a greater sense of control over their day-to-day decisions. It’s also been found that Nootropics ease symptoms of anxiety and depression. This mood brightener provides another dimension of well-being to users. 

Nootropics’ effects also assimilate the feeling of being energized, thus some people take it prior to exercise to increase the longevity and quality of their workout. Rest assured the energy isn’t like your morning coffee jitters, but rather a natural feeling of alertness and unlocked stamina. 

The Function of Nootropics

The smart drug does not permanently enhance cognitive abilities. Nootropics are like a vitamin: for it to be effective, it must be taken every day. The positive effects from the supplement come from the production of neurotransmitters. 

Nootropics must be taken at the correct dose. Quantity is essential, as each person has a different level of tolerance. It is important to start at a low dose and get used to the supplement before increasing dosage.

Maximizing Nootropics Benefits

At some point,  individuals may begin to feel as though the pill is not as effective. This is a direct sign that the individual is exceeding the recommended dosage. If this happens, it is recommended the dosage or frequency of intake be lowered. “Stacking” in the Nootropics community refers to combining different types of Nootropics simultaneously.

This is done because the Nootropics compound, meaning the effect is strongest when combined with another. For example, some Nootropics are known to cause headaches, though they improve focus. The combination of those particular Nootropics with others can reduce the headaches.

Purchasing Nootropics

There are various Nootropics, as the market continutes to gain popularity. It’s important to research Nootropics are rated the highest, and which to avoid. Note behavior while on the drug, and do not exceed recommended dosage. Some may cause undesirable side effects, therefore the positives should outweigh the negatives. Before “stacking” Nootropics, grasp an understanding of the feelings each type induces. Generally the supplement is considered safe, but be aware of how the drug interacts with current medications being taken.

Lastly, Nootropics are typically purchased online. The best-known websites are Nootropics, Omnit, Clever Meds, Peak Nootropics, and Qualia. 




“Introduction to Nootropics” –

“Establishing Natural Nootropics: Recent Molecular Enhancement Influenced by Natural Nootropic” – Research Paper Sourced from The Natural Library of Medicine

“The Neurochemicals of Happiness” – Psychology Today


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