Children at lunch table food allergies

Tips if Your Child has Food Allergies


With summer vacation coming to an end in a few weeks and school starting next month, parents will have to deal with the all important question: what do I do for my child at lunch? And it’s not just about eating healthy, it’s about eating safely.  According to the website, 1 in 13 children (roughly 2 per classroom) have food allergies, with an economic cost to Americans of nearly $25 billion per year.


Dr. Kyrena Robinson from the Amen Clinic in Washington DC says “in addition to allergies, many of us have low grade food intolerances which can irritate the body and build inflammation. As a nutritional strategist, I counsel parents on bringing balance to the table with brain-healthy foods.”


Three Tips for Food Allergies

It’s important for parents to teach their children about making lunch fun, contribute to it themselves by helping to choose what they want.

  • Keep a stash of safe snacks.  The easiest choices are fruits and vegetables. They harbor no hidden ingredients, are portable and often well liked by kids.
  • Get cooking. Get acquainted with ingredients that are safe, master a handful of reliable recipes and involved your child in the cooking process.
  • Look for chances to shape school policy. Helpful parental involvement ensures the complicated issue of food allergies gets the attention it warrants. Tread lightly, but volunteer to provide snacks or suggest rules that prevent food sharing in the lunchroom.

About Dr. Kyrena Robinson


Dr. Kyrena Robinson is a board certified Holistic Nutritionist by the National Association of Nutrition Professionals.  She is also a member of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.  Dr. Robinson graduated Suma Cum Laude from the University of Natural Health with a Doctorate in Holistic Sports Nutrition. After being born with multiple food allergies, she has followed a plant-based diet for over 30 years. Amen Clinics have the world’s largest database of functional brain scans relating to behavior.

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